The MGO program would not be successful without dedicated and passionate coordinators and coordinator groups, thank you! Helpful information and program resources are linked below. If you have questions or need assistance, contact us.
ORP in conjunction with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources will:
- Provide and deliver the cages and oyster spat to a central location in fall (date and location to be determined with coordinator’s input).
- Provide guidance and advice to assist the coordinator with program implementation.
- Select the sanctuary for planting the oysters.
- Guide oyster plantings within the sanctuary.
Coordinator will:
- Recruit volunteer oyster growers and maintain an up-to-date contact list (address, email, phone number).
- Coordinate and implement the delivery of cages and spat-on-shell to growers.
- Store any extra cages containing spat at a pier location suitable for holding cages for a few months pending additional growers (if needed).
- Maintain monthly contact with the growers to answer questions, and share helpful resources. At least once per year, request that volunteers share details about their growing location – use this form.
- Collect and count oysters after nine months from a sampling of cages to assess growth and survival results – use this form.
- Coordinate oyster plantings in designated sanctuaries.
- Document annual planting information – use this form.
- Restock growers with spat-on-shell.
To satisfy funder reporting requirements, ORP must provide data detailing annual sanctuary planting locations, amounts, and date(s), as well as oyster growth and survival rates. Please review the following forms and familiarize yourself with reporting requirements in advance of spring planting coordination efforts.